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Farmers Harvesting Crops

Letter Kit: Communities

Below you will find a prepared letter which you can either download as a word document or copy and paste from this website and send to our list of suggested MPs in the attached email list below. Sending these letters is a huge and powerful way to spread awareness of how this proposal will impact NSW among key decision-makers. 

Every letter helps, and your support is appreciated. 



Dear (MP name),


Re: Stop HumeLink damaging our local communities


Our local community is being threatened by Transgrid’s HumeLink proposal to install 360 kilometres of high voltage transmission lines running on towers up to 80mtall, as tall as the Sydney Harbour Bridge pylons.  


I am therefore asking for your support to negotiate for the less damaging and best practice option of taking the line underground to save our local communities, the environment, and the economy.


The prospect of these huge overhead powerlines has heightened the level of anxiety in our community because of the increased bushfire risks, has angered residents because of the environmental destruction that will occur in the area, and is causing profound increases in community mental health issues – an issue that, as you would be aware, is of particular concern to our regional communities.


For some members of our community, the HumeLink proposal has prompted thoughts of suicide as they fear destruction to their family home and land that has been held dearly in their hearts for generations.


The HumeLink proposal will impact third and fourth generation farmers who have weathered many ups and downs in their love of the land – only to be defeated by a preventable hurdle of being forced to have huge unsightly towers and high voltage transmission lines run directly through their much-loved productive property. 


Other concerns include clear-felling of landcare projects cultivated by farmers and electromagnetic fields (EMF).  French courts recently recognised, there are very real health risks from EMF.


Solution – Underground Powerlines


All these issues are preventable by simply undergrounding the powerlines.  In addition to community concerns, undergrounding solves a myriad of environmental issues and stacks up financially over the long-term – due to reduced costs from transmission losses.


Underground energy transmission is best practice around the world.  It cannot be impacted by extreme weather and decreases the risk of catastrophic bushfires.


Undergrounding has been adopted in Europe, California and many forward-thinking jurisdictions and even Transgrid’s own promotional video claims undergrounding is safer, more reliable and efficient. 


Despite our calls for undergrounding, Transgrid, has perpetuated myths to keep with old 19th century technology to transmit power.  For example, Transgrid has said undergrounding couldn’t be considered as it was ten times the cost. The experts are now telling us it’s more like two times the cost, with significant and enduring offsetting environmental benefits.


Transgrid has also said it can take weeks to find and repair faults on underground transmission cables. While it is true that it takes longer to find and repair faults on underground cables, the design of the underground system involves redundancy which means if one cable fails, there is a second circuit to transmit power. In fact, underground transmission is more reliable than overhead transmission, with lower expected forced outage rates, as underground transmission is not interrupted by lightning strikes, severe weather events and bushfires, that all impact overhead lines.  


Help save our local communities and environment


We need your support in this David and Goliath battle, as Transgrid has many resources and a powerful lobbying presence.


We recognise the importance of renewable, clean energy and the need for infrastructure to support its transmission.  But we need your help to negotiate a better option for local communities and the environment.


Underground electricity transmission is best practice around the world.


I urge you to support undergrounding HumeLink so that our rural communities aren’t casualties as we transition to a low carbon energy future.




(Insert your name here)


Every letter you send helps spread vital awareness of how the proposed HumeLink project will impact our environment, community, the economy and bushfire defence.  The link below will provide a downloadable list or key state and federal members of parliament that you may like to contact about the proposed project. Simply click the button below to download the list of extended contacts. 


We must tell the NSW and Federal Government to stop and rethink HumeLink now!


STOP! Rethink HumeLink Now! Is a grassroots community-based campaign, developed by HumeLink Alliance and HumeLink Action Group and self-funded by the public. Transgrid is a foreign-owned, multi-billion dollar company. We need your support to have our voices heard.

My project-1 (1).png


Add your signature to demand that HumeLink places these powerlines underground. 

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