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-Join the fight-


Don't let Transgrid risk our lives and precious wildlife by cutting corners with dangerous, old tower technology, flawed economic modelling and short-term thinking. 

Put the transmission lines underground to save endangered wildlife, regional communities and energy wastage while significantly reducing the risk of bushfires and blackouts.

A joint initiative of the HumeLink Alliance Inc and HumeLink Action Group                       to represent affected communities

Clean green energy needs to be delivered to Australians sustainably, not via old tower technology.
Tower technology is far more susceptible to power outages and leaking precious energy compared to underground cables.


Transgrid’s unsustainable HumeLink proposes to cut an ugly 360km long, 70-metre-wide scar through old growth forests, state forests and working farms, from Wagga Wagga and Kosciusko National Park to the edge of the beautiful Southern Highlands.

This will have unacceptable impacts on approximately 2500 hectares of land - an area twice the size of Wollongong - including the destruction of habitat for dozens of threatened or endangered species such as the Koala, Booroolong Frog, Superb Parrot, Eastern Pygmy Possum, Greater Glider and Powerful Owl.  

Despite decades of lobbying for climate change reform by environmentally conscious Australians, Transgrid is using renewable energy as an excuse to rubber stamp habitat destruction and create a significant bushfire risk for the entire region. 

This destructive old tower technology is also far more susceptible to power outages and leaking precious energy than other options like underground cables.

This isn’t green energy. It is far from it.

Green energy should be about end-to-end delivery of electricity to consumers, not just generation. By this measure, the HumeLink Towers overhead proposal is a complete fail.




As we strive to meet our greenhouse targets as a nation, we must ensure that we build Australia’s renewable energy future based on sustainable, efficient infrastructure and proper planning, not flawed economic modelling and short-term thinking that destroys our lanscape and the environment with overhead transmission towers.

HumeLink completely disregards affected communities' environmental, bushfires and economic concerns and for all but the short-term, upfront economic costs.

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HumeLink's proposal is for a double circuit 500kV powerline, consisting of towers as tall as the Harbour Bridge pylons spanning approximately 2500 hectares of land!

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85 Meters High


22KV Dist. Pole

Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylon

500KV Tower


Did you know that overhead lines increases bushfire likelihood?

Increasing the likelihood of these catastrophic costs needs to be factored into the prices of overhead transmission lines when comparing options. Conversely, decreasing the possibility of these catastrophic costs needs to be factored into the benefits of undergrounding transmission lines when comparing options.

New South Wales, we need to say no to overhead powerlines!

We Have The Answer...
Stop! Rethink, HumeLink.


This is a viable alternate – running the transmission lines underground to ensure the delivery of safe, efficient and reliable energy for years to come without dire impacts on the environment, economic and social fabric of Southern NSW.


Undergrounding will cost far less than Transgrid’s initial wildly exaggerated and outdated claims and would in fact be the cheaper long-term option when you consider that it would:

  • Have significantly less impact on endangered species, local communities and industries

  • Generate savings from far less electricity outages

  • Cost much less in ongoing maintenance

  • Reduce energy losses in transmission that have been established in other studies



We must tell the NSW and Federal Government to stop and rethink HumeLink now!


STOP! Rethink HumeLink Now! Is a grassroots community-based campaign, developed by HumeLink Alliance and HumeLink Action Group and self-funded by the public. Transgrid is a foreign-owned, multi-billion dollar company. We need your support to have our voices heard.

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Add your signature to demand that HumeLink places these powerlines underground. 

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